Oh my god, hyperfixations can be so intense. Thoughts abt school too.

it is nice to have time to work on hyperfixations, but this last week got out of hand. all i was working on for the 3 days after christmas was my hyperfixation. i was working on making a timeline for it (long story) and oh boy... the timeline is so fucking long and detailed... all i have to do now with it is provide sources and maybe add another event or two, but yeah...

like i said last entry, i really wanna work on tumblr, so i'm for real going to work on that today. i did this poll the other day before my hyperfixation took over last week, so i even know what to post. i just gotta do it, yk?

along with posting on tumblr again, i want to post on my art instagram, since i finally photographed my work from my art classes! i'm honestly pretty happy with some of the stuff i've finished this semester. of course i would do different techniques or add different things if i could redo it, but no one's perfect esp not the first time around.

fall '23 of college i took "drawing 1" and "2d design". the design one was a class all about making good compositions, which i had needed and wanted for ages so it was so fun. the drawing class was just teaching basic drawing skills (sight sizing, intro to perspective, etc). i did really well and produced works on a dif level than everyone else, but it's because i have been practicing these exact skills for much longer than some of my classmates. it sounds very arrogant of me to say this, yes, but one can tell the skill level based on what work they produce, ignoring their individual styles. idk. nothing i say will make it sound better. honestly though, even though it was a beginner class, it was really good for me. helped me refine these skills under a professional's trained eye rather just from critiques from myself and my fam.

this next semester, spring '24, i've got "3d design" and "basic printmaking" for my art classes. the printmaking class is one of the first classes i'm taking towards my graphic design degree, which makes it exciting. not hyped about 3d design, i'm not good at or comfortable with working with wire sculptures. i'll push through tho since i have to take that class.

i'm also taking a class for 'the history of sexuality' which should be interesting. it's online so idk how it's going to work. i've also got the next semester of the required art history class every pre-art student takes. this one is for medieval art until modern art. i'm excited to see some new art from some eras (baroque, art nouveau, impressionism, etc) but not for the abstract art. i do like some abstract art, along with making some myself. because of the quite personal nature of my abstract art, i feel like a lot of abstract art speaks best to their creators and not really well to general audiences let alone art audiences. so yeah idk how interested i'll be in that unit. i like art and i like history, along with mostly liking last semester's art history class (covered prehistoric - gothic art/architecture) so here's to hoping this semester will be good too.